The fractional CO2 Victoria House Clinic Laser Hair Removal Specialist is widely recognized as one of the best options for laser skin resurfacing. However, you need to do some research first before rushing into the closest clinic that offers these kinds of treatments. There are a lot of different lasers on the market, including fractional CO2 laser variations. When it comes to the effectiveness of the treatment and the client’s safety, the quality of the laser and the medical professional administering it are just as important as anything else. Consider the following important aspects of fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing:
A fractional CO2 laser and fractional erbium laser differ significantly. The erbium laser does not penetrate the skin as deeply as the other laser, and their wavelengths are distinct. As a result, clients won’t see immediate or lasting results and will need to undergo multiple treatments. In many instances, a fractional CO2 laser delivers the best results in a single treatment because it penetrates much deeper into the skin.
Are all fractional CO2 lasers created equal
The fact that a clinic offers fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing does not guarantee that they use the best laser. There are some clinics that use cheaper lasers made overseas that don’t meet safety standards and might not have been checked by the FDA. Another thing to think about is whether the laser used in the office is owned or rented. A fractional CO2 laser needs to be calibrated precisely, and moving from one office to another could throw off the calibration. Knowing that your physician uses a fractional CO2 laser and that your safety is unaffected during treatments gives you peace of mind.
Trust Your Reputable Medical Professional When it Comes to the Kind of Laser They Use, You Must Be Able to Trust Your Medical Professional Asking all of the hard questions to learn more about the particular fractional CO2 laser they use is the best way to gain their trust. You might want to think about other options if the responses to your questions are unclear or inconsistent with the research you’ve done.